Our Staff

The Richmond Charities employs 14 members of staff who are based at three offices at 95 Sheen Road, Hickey’s Almshouses and Michel’s Almshouses.

Lorraine Bradley (Scheme Manager)

Lorraine has lived in the Richmond Borough since she was 18 months old and she attended local schools and brought up her two children in Richmond. Lorraine joined The Richmond Charities in 2012 she is one of the charity’s six Scheme Managers. Her previous roles included working at Kingston Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital. Lorraine was a volunteer at Age UK Richmond (Meadows Hall) and then a Manager at Barnes Centre before returning to be the Manager at Richmond. She first joined The Richmond Charities as Deputy Scheme Manager and then became Scheme Manager in February 2016.

  • Phone: 020 8439 9294
  • Email:
  • Position: Scheme Manager