The Chapel of Saint Francis
The Chapel has been part of Hickey’s Almshouses since they were built in 1834. It is now the Chapel for all of The Richmond Charities Almshouses.
It is firstly a place of worship where Sunday services, prayers and special services are held. Details of these are published in the Your Almshouse Magazine on a monthly basis, as well as on posters placed on the different estates’ noticeboards.
If you would like yourself, or a loved one, to be included in prayers in the Chapel then either let the Chaplain know or write your prayer request in the Prayer Requests Book in the Chapel.
Residents of all Almshouses, relatives, friends and members of the general public are all welcome to attend Chapel Services.
The Chapel is a place of social activities. Quiz Nights, Film Club, Bingo and various exercise activities are regularly held there. These are detailed in the Monthly Activities Leaflet delivered to all residents.
The Chapel is a place of special events like The Annual Thanksgiving and Celebration Service, where we remember with thanksgiving the Charity’s Benefactors and celebrate our Almshouse community.
The Chapel is a place of life events, like baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
The Chaplain
The Rev'd Derrick Thompson is The Richmond Charities’ Chaplain and is an ordained Anglican priest licensed by the Bishop of Southwark.
As Chaplain, Derrick is here to be alongside all residents, regardless of their faith background, and can often be seen dropping in on residents’ activities and sometimes knocking on residents’ doors to simply say ‘hello, how are you doing?’
Derrick is available to spend time with individual residents simply for a chat, or to discuss some of the challenges that life presents us. He is also willing to help residents and their families with preparation and planning for when a resident dies.
If residents would like prayer, or to receive communion at home, Derrick can be contacted to arrange that.
Making contact with the Chaplain
Derrick can be contacted: