Our Staff

The Richmond Charities employs 14 members of staff who are based at three offices at 95 Sheen Road, Hickey’s Almshouses and Michel’s Almshouses.

Samantha Maskell (Head of Finance, Policy & Governance)

Samantha joined the Richmond Charities in January 2023 as Head of Finance, Policy & Governance.  Having studied French and Spanish at University, Samantha went onto qualify as a Chartered and Certified Accountant whilst working in audit looking after a number of different Companies and Charities.  Prior to joining The Richmond Charities, Samantha spent twelve years working for a B2B Marketing Company in Central London; supporting the business grow from a 12-person organisation to over 450 when sold in 2021. 

  • Phone: 020 8948 4188
  • Email:
  • Position: Head of Finance, Policy & Governance