The first Sunday of July saw one of our annual celebrations at The Richmond Charities. Each year we gather to remember and give thanks for the founders and benefactors of the Almshouses and Charitable Foundations that now make up The Richmond Charities, and to celebrate our life together today. It was touch and go when Gerry put the gazebos up on a rainy Friday afternoon, but by Sunday the clouds were blowing over and the sun was promising to smile on us. The service included some traditional and contemporary music sung by the choir from St Mary Abbots and poems and readings delivered by residents and trustees. Eve Harbud observed how special it was to have an event that brought so many different people together from across the almshouses. She was left, she said, with a renewed appreciation for the charity and the people she lives amongst. And she did mention that the wine afterwards was rather good, too... Suszie Vignoles thought it was a lovely event, with music and readings working together to give the whole afternoon a true community feel that focussed us all around the theme of friendship. 'Postive! Summer-filled! Uplifting!' Thanks to Debbie and her husband Pete for keeping us well-supplied with drinks and snacks.

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